Tuesday 10 December 2013

Planning Our Protest

Planning Our Protest

My Group is formed of three people:
- Abie
- Angelica
- Me
... This was because we noticed we had all at some point become passionate during debates in class and were eager to listen to other peoples opinions to broaden our own understanding as well as challenge current ideas. Due to the enthuasim and interest we all had for beginning a political protest, we decided to work together. We also had a few similar political ideas as to what we may choose to protest against.

Initial Protest Idea:  We initially were unsure of what we wanted to protest against as we felt very passionate about many subjects. Abie suggested that we protest against the idea that females deserve rape if they are dressed in a revealing or procative manner. Although we were all initially interested in protesting against this, we realised that we were not very passionate about this subject and this would consequently affect the energy, delivery and power of our message to the audience in an un-effective way.

We all agreed that we were passionate about the fact that animals are forced to suffer the harsh consequences of chemicals used in order to test make up for human safety - Animal Rights! We are keen to bring this issue into light as it is very unjust but is not fully accepted as a serious important enough topic which we want to highlight and believe we can do in interesting and dynamic ways.

Initial ideas for our animal rights protest:
Considering that the protest has to be theatrical, creative, informative and original we brainstormed ideas...

Visual Aids: We want to include visual aids to enhance our protest to intrigue passers by and draw them in to our performance. They will also help illustrate the facts we are saying and reveal the reality of animal testing through real and unpleasant images to help engrain the underlying seriousness of our message, despite our contrasting humorous role play. Our role play within the protest is going to have costumes for the beauticians and overstated makeup to emphasise the strange nature of undergoing this procedure at the cost it has on animals.

Theatricality: For our protest to be effective and theatrical we decided to take on characters, possibly even animal, roles to address our issue in a way that is more interesting than simply telling people facts. We think playing beauticians in a cringing and repulsive yet also humorous manner, will unmask the truth of how make-up is made and tested and will create a satire of those involved in the make-up industry.

Audience Involvement: To engage our audience in our political protest we plan to interact with them as much as possible, breaking down the fourth wall and using clear Gestus as Brecht did, to force them to think and be engaged with what we are saying and the message of our performance. Our use of the v-effect will intrigue passers by and create a message which is more influential as we are planning to affect them directly as much as possible.

Where: We want to have our protest in a central place to attract as many people as possible to our cause. We feel that the foyer by the box office at the entrance to school would be a suitable place as we want our protest to be seen by various strands and ages and this location enables a diverse range of people to see out work.

Jobs/ research allocated: We have allocated jobs to all group members to make our preparation as efficient as possible and have decided to gain facts and knowledge, costumes, and props to add our these initial ideas for the protest.

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