Tuesday 10 December 2013

Animal Rights Protest: Research and more planning

Animal Rights Protest: Research and more planning

To gain facts and an awareness of animal testing, where it used, how necessary it is, the side effects, precautions and statistics, I carried out some research.
Firstly, I found out that a complete ban on all cosmetics developed through animal testing has taken effect in the EU in March 2013 in favour for alternative methods of research (which I am very glad to hear!). However, animal testing still takes place worldwide and still deserves to be protested against to ban it everywhere!

The main websites I have gained my knowledge of animal testing are: PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), Animal Welfare Act (AWA), Cruelty Free International, RSPCA, SPEAK (the voice of animal rights), youtube.
Cruelty Free International is an organisation that works solely to end animal testing for cosmetic purposes. They work in Korea, China, Brazil, Vietnam and the USA, pressing regulators to ban animal deaths for make-up.

(I have gained facts and information from this video but we plan to conduct our protest very differently to the one in this video )
- Every year over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned and abused in U.S labs every year and this animal testing costs the American public over $136 billion annually!
- Millions of rabbits die after being placed in crates with their heads sticking out. Their eye lids are usually forced to open while chemicals are poured into their eyes and rabbits often break their necks trying to get out of these crates. These chemicals blind millions of species of animals!
- Chemicals are rubbed onto the shaved skin of animals!
- Some animals suffer the torture of these horrific "tests" for up to 12 months - a year! 
- Pregnant animals are tested and killed and are treated no differently from other animals and have their foetuses tested on!
- Since the EU has banned cosmetics developed through animal testing for alternative methods they have found it more cost effective and provides better results!
- "Lethal" dose tests large amounts of death chemicals to measure the amount of chemical needed to cause death!
- In China it is the law that all cosmetics MUST be tested on animals first before selling! 
- All these tests can be in vain as SPEAK has found that animals react differently to cosmetics to people so after all these deaths hormone replacement therapy which tested safely on monkeys has caused heart disease, strokes and breast cancer in millions of women.
- The asthma drug ISOPRENALINE has killed thousands of people yet proportionate dosing showed no side effects in primates!
-Up to 90% of animals used in testing are not counted in the official statistics and receive no protection under the animal welfare act!
- At the end of tests animals are killed because they are no longer needed. This is normally done by asphyxiation (strangling), neck breaking or decapitation (head chopped off). No pain relief is provided to make this less painful. After death sometimes animals are put into rubbish bags to be taken away!
We are planning on showing horrific images of dead animals to have a strong impact with the catch phrase "Are THEY worth it?" as a spin-off from the well-known phrase spoken by celebrities advertising make up "You're worth it!". 

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