Friday 13 December 2013

The potential of this as a theatre product in the future

The Future Potential of the piece as a theatre product:

I feel there is potential for this piece to alter people's perception of politics. It draws on the conflict between one's personal and professional life and emphasises the fact that politicians are human beings and not just their professional persona.
By the audience being unsure of whether or not Amanda drowns, the audience is invited to consider this and hopefully the topics within the play further.
This play is short and focused and gets the message across clearly. There was a clear crescendo of events in the devised pieces building up to the final Amanda piece. Each devised piece explores a different politician grappling with politics with a big P and a small p. The content of the central ensemble piece of Amanda will remain pertinent when performed in the future as it deals with Amanda's human nature rather than specific issues related to this time period. The individual devised pieces contained current issues such as university fees. Future performers of this play could update the content to what is prominent at the time of performance, making this piece in some ways

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